European Parliament

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  • What's the future for EU's online library Europeana?
  • Strasbourg Plenary session: 19-22 April
  • Memorial human rights activist Lidia Yusupova on the "virus" of fear
  • Warm welcome for MEP observers by voters in first Sudan elections in 25 years
  • Learning the lessons from Greece
  • Buzek leads solemn commemoration of Poland's tragedy
  • 1 million signatures for popular democracy
  • Financial crisis glossary (I): The basics
  • Future of Europe's farming policy under the spotlight
  • Fish industry voices concern over foreign fish and falling prices
  • Ailing health of Chinese dissident Hu Jia worries MEPs
  • Grim reality of North Korea's assault on human rights
  • Green MEP condemns imprisonment of Kurdish campaigner
  • Green MEP gets green light on European Asylum Support Office
  • Kyrgyzstan at a crossroads, says MEP Paolo Bartolozzi
  • SWIFT is back: MEPs want to limit transfer of financial data
  • The Art of the Amendment
  • "The alternative to elections in Sudan would be war" - Ana Gomes
  • ACP focuses on problems of immigration
  • MEPs scrutinise summit solutions to euro-zone's hardship
  • What is comitology and does it still have a role under Lisbon Treaty?
  • International donors meet to rally support for Haiti
  • Green MEP says Government lacks ambition on retrofitting
  • Jean Lambert wishes everyone a happy and peaceful Kurdish New Year
  • Green MEP calls on European Union to empower women
  • Jean joins protest against controversial Ilisu Dam
  • Statement on Goldstone Report vote
  • EU Parliament scores victory for democracy in rejecting EU-US SWIFT agreement
  • Speech at Anti-Whaling Protest, Japanese Embassy, London
  • European Parliament condemns proposed death penalty for homosexuality in Uganda
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