Council of the European Union

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  • Public debates/Public deliberations - 3088th ECONOMIC and FINANCIAL AFFAIRS Council - Brussels, 17 May 2011
  • Audiovisual note - 3010th GENERAL AFFAIRS Council meeting - Luxembourg, 26.4.2010
  • Agenda - 3010th GENERAL AFFAIRS Council meeting - Luxembourg, 26 April 2010 (15.30)
  • Background note - 3009th FOREIGN AFFAIRS Council meeting - Luxembourg, 26 April 2010
  • Background note - 3010th GENERAL AFFAIRS Council meeting - Luxembourg, 26 April 2010
  • AGENDA - 3009th FOREIGN AFFAIRS Council meeting - Luxembourg, 26 April 2010 (10.00)
  • PUBLIC DELIBERATIONS/PUBLIC DEBATES - 3008th JUSTICE and HOME AFFAIRS Council meeting - Brussels, 23.4.2010
  • AUDIOVISUAL NOTE - 3008th JUSTICE and HOME AFFAIRS Council meeting - Brussels, 23.4.2010
  • Background note - 3008th JUSTICE and HOME AFFAIRS Council meeting - Brussels, 23.4.2010
  • Briefing - General Affairs and Foreign Affairs Councils (26.04.2010, 10.00) - Luxembourg, 26 April 2010
  • URGENT - 3008th JUSTICE and HOME AFFAIRS Council meeting - Brussels , 23.4.2010
  • AGENDA - 3008th JUSTICE and HOME AFFAIRS Council meeting - Brussels, 23.4.2010
  • BRIEFING (20.3.2010, 15.00) - JUSTICE AND HOME AFFAIRS COUNCIL - Brussels, 23 April 2010
  • Statement by High Representative Catherine Ashton on adoption of Constitutional Amendment in Pakistan
  • Press conference with Alexander Weis - Luxembourg, 26 April 2010
  • EU-PAKISTAN Summit - Postponed
  • Tenth meeting of the Accession Conference at Deputy level with Croatia, Brussels, 19 April 2010
  • High Representative Catherine Ashton at EUNAVFOR-Atalanta OHQ
  • European skies reopen
  • Statement by High Representative Catherine Ashton on the elections in Sudan
  • Statement by High Representative Catherine Ashton on the helicopter crash in Haiti
  • Main topics for the coming fortnight 19 April - 2 May 2010
  • Council adopts position at first reading on the labelling of energy-related products
  • Statement to the press by Herman VAN ROMPUY, President of the European Council, after his meeting with Sali BERISHA, Prime Minis
  • Background note - 3007th AGRICULTURE and FISHERIES Council meeting - Luxembourg, 19 April 2010
  • Audiovisual note - 3007th AGRICULTURE and FISHERIES Council meeting - Luxembourg, 19 April 2010
  • Council adopts position at first reading on the energy performance of buildings directive
  • Declaration on the situation after the national elections in Iraq
  • High Representative Catherine ASHTON, congratulates Jan THRNQVIST on taking office as EU Force Commander of EUNAVFOR Somalia
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