European Institute of Innovation and Technology

  • IMCO delegation visits the EIT
  • EIT Chairman at the Lisbon Council's 2010 Innovation Summit
  • The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) launches its first three Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs)
  • Update: Progress on the KIC Selection Process
  • First EIT Director appointed
  • First EIT draft Triennial Work Programme is sent to the Council, the European Parliament and the European Commission
  • INFO DAY provides KIC proposers with answers to remaining questions
  • EIT Entrepreneurship Seminar confirms key role of entrepreneurship in KICs
  • EIT Governing Board meets President Barroso
  • Call for KICs launched
  • First three EIT thematic seminars provide forum for dialogue and networking
  • KIC Selection Criteria Published
  • Chairman presents latest developments to the Council of Ministers and European Parliament
  • EIT seminar launches discussion on shape of KICs
  • EIT Governing Board elects its Executive Committee
  • European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) begins its work
  • Official appointment of the EIT Governing Board
  • EIT headquarters to be located in Budapest
  • Closing of the public consultation for the selection of the EIT Governing Board
  • Opening of the second phase of the public consultation for the selection of the EIT Governing Board
  • Publishing of the EIT Regulation in the Official Journal