European News

In the news section of you will find information and news about the European Union and its politics, in addition to some general news from around Europe.

European News

  • A Christmas rally?
  • German troops sent to France in symbolic defence of the euro
  • US embassy cables: EU mission in Kosovo hobbled by Brussels politicking, says US
  • US embassy cables: Belgrade lays out Kosovo partition scenario to EU
  • WikiLeaks cables: Kosovo sliding towards partition, Washington told
  • US embassy cables: US and UK clash over Croatia's EU membership bid
  • WikiLeaks cable exposes US-UK rift over Croatian accession to EU
  • WikiLeaks cables: Former Croatia PM flees over corruption claims
  • Britain and Europe: All in this together | Editorial
  • Spain declares 'state of alarm' over air chaos
  • Angela Merkel has warned that Germany could abandon the euro
  • US embassy cables: Nick Clegg outlines foreign policy
  • US embassy cables: US ambassador sizes up Nick Clegg
  • Eurozone in crisis as Irish bailout fails to assuage investor fears
  • Eurozone crisis: what the analysts say
  • Eurozone in crisis as Irish bailout fails to assuage investor fears
  • Ireland must find 17.5bn from its pension fund and reserves for bailout
  • 72bn Irish rescue package is agreed
  • Secret EU plot to boycott Ahmadinejad inauguration
  • US embassy cables: EU envoys planned surprise Ahmadinejad boycott
  • US embassy cables: French and Americans exchange views on Iran
  • US embassy cables: Israel sees Iran's uranium enrichment as 'point of no return'
  • EU aid for Africa ends up in tax havens, watchdog claims
  • 85 billion Irish bail-out talks confirmed
  • Amanda Knox appeal case adjourned until next month
  • Ireland bailout: Brian Cowen may face vote of no confidence
  • Conservatives' EU alliance in turmoil after Micha Kamiski leaves 'far right' party
  • Ireland has already lost part of its sovereignty, says Dublin thinktank
  • EU in crunch talks on 2011 budget
  • David Cameron: China should be given better access to EU markets as reward for opening economy