European News

In the news section of you will find information and news about the European Union and its politics, in addition to some general news from around Europe.

European News

  • The Arab spring requires a defiantly European reply | Jackie Ashley
  • Discard this common fisheries policy and stop this waste | Annalisa Barbieri
  • Europe must rise to the challenge of north African uprisings, says Nick Clegg
  • EU ministers to ban fish discards
  • Government hits out at EU fishing rules
  • Libya crisis: EU agrees sanctions as UK warns of 'day of reckoning' for Gaddafi
  • Video: Gang arsenal seized in Mexico
  • Video: Vatican bans 'iPhone God app'
  • A Day That Shook The World: Sarajevo market massacre
  • Merkel to call for single eurozone economic policy
  • Knox back in court for appeal hearing
  • Turkish doctor arrested over organ traffic allegations
  • Tories face EU challenge from backbench
  • In search of fairer privacy laws | Max Mosley
  • France probes China link in Renault spy scandal
  • Hungary hits out at France and Germany as EU presidency gets turbulent start
  • Estonia gets cool welcome from a eurozone in crisis
  • Former Russian oil tycoon found guilty
  • Britons want European Union to assert itself on the global stage
  • Britons are nowhere near Europe's highest earners but few can beat them at spending
  • The souring of Turkey's European dream | Orhan Pamuk
  • George Papandreou risks sparking class war over austerity cuts
  • US criticises court that may decide on Julian Assange extradition, WikiLeaks cables show
  • WikiLeaks cables: Cuba's 'best friends forever' ignore human rights
  • US embassy cables: Poles complain as Jagland elected head of Council of Europe
  • Mothballed Italian concert hall strikes wrong note with European council
  • Tweet revenge: Italians flood EU summit wall with Berlusconi insults
  • Cameron announces EU budget freeze
  • Year of bullying, bluff and bailouts leaves euro fighting for its life
  • Norway accused of funding abuse in Burma