European News

In the news section of you will find information and news about the European Union and its politics, in addition to some general news from around Europe.

European News

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  • A strong dose of regulation will keep the health food industry regular | Martin Robbins
  • Community in shock as eight die in Irish road accident
  • Freedom temples totter in Europe and beyond | Peter Preston
  • Break-up of eurozone would speed up recovery, thinktank says
  • Five injured in running of the bulls
  • Letters: EU gold standard for bank regulation
  • European Union could cut emissions by 95% with renewables Greenpeace
  • US to access Europeans' bank data
  • Suspected al-Qa'ida terrorists arrested in Norway
  • European regulators talk tough over bank stress tests
  • Ageing EU gets pensions warning
  • British climbers killed by Alps rockfall
  • Bank bonus crackdown backed by MEPs
  • Letters: Call for a cap on EU farm subsidies
  • Clinton backs Georgia on Russia 'occupation'
  • Hermit who quit papacy is a role model, says Pope
  • Minister resigns during court case
  • Horrors of Bosnian War relived in British court
  • Europe breathes sigh of relief at Polish poll result
  • Fischer's remains exhumed for DNA
  • Increase retirement age as life expectancy rises, says European commission
  • Komorowski steps up to challenge of Polish presidency
  • Common agricultural policy: rotten but here to stay
  • Migrants from new EU states increase London homeless tally
  • We are not xenophobes | Daniel Hannan
  • Poles vote in presidential run-off election
  • Hungary to ask for 'precautionary' 10bn20bn bailout from EU and IMF
  • Europe can't afford to alienate Turkey | Joschka Fischer
  • William Hague vows to increase UK influence in EU
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