European News

In the news section of you will find information and news about the European Union and its politics, in addition to some general news from around Europe.

European News

  • UK can maintain Libya operations for 'as long as it takes', says Cameron
  • Greece's PM George Papandreou wins vote of confidence - video
  • Greece braced for austerity drive as government wins confidence vote
  • Greece vote of no confidence in government - live blog
  • Tory MEPs defy David Cameron over greenhouse gas targets
  • 44 dead after Russian passenger jet crash
  • The eurozone has dug itself a hole all the way to Hades
  • Greece's protests continue after PM George Papandreou offers to quit - video
  • Greece parties in power-sharing talks
  • Letters: The death of Nato is long overdue
  • Nato faces 'dismal future', warns Pentagon chief
  • EU to discuss E.coli compensation
  • E coli outbreak: EU to hold emergency summit
  • European airlines fear trade war with US over carbon emissions levy
  • E.coli outbreak traced to German restaurant
  • Serbia was changed by capitalism, not EU pressure | Boris Begovic
  • A moral leadership is emerging in the Balkans | Catherine Ashton
  • World Bank warns of 'failing' international carbon market
  • Are European cucumber wars the shape of things to come?
  • Ratko Mladic extradition appeal rejected
  • Silvio Berlusconi's sex trial resumes
  • Christine Lagarde declares she wants IMF job
  • Eurozone crisis may derail Irish recovery, warns IMF
  • Queen honours Ireland's dead
  • Greece fears Strauss-Kahn arrest will prolong ongoing debt crisis
  • EU warns Denmark over border controls
  • Denmark's populist border controls reintroduced but many remain sceptical
  • Libyan regime accused of exploiting humanitarian crisis
  • Euro plunges after reports Greece could leave currency
  • Poor referendum coverage ensures voter apathy