EU Politics

There are many national political parties throughout Europe, these political parties form alliances called European Political Parties and several of these European Political Parties along with some independent national parties form larger European Political Groups. An example of a national political party would be the Liberal Democrats (LD) of the United Kingdom, which is a member of the European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party (ELDR), which along with the European Democratic Party (EDP) form the Alliance for Liberals and Democrats for Europe. In this section of you will find all the official news and press releases from various European Political Parties and European Political Groups.

EU Politics

  • Verhofstadt calls for inquiry into Gaza aid ship deaths
  • PES condemns Outrageous Israeli act against civilians and demands immediate inquiry
  • Argentina: Pittella (PE), vicenda telecom e tariffe energia frenano (IT)
  • More ambitious climate policy must not be at expense of most vulnerable European citizens
  • PES welcomes election of new Turkish CHP leader Kemal Kilacdaroglu
  • EPP/ Liberal plans to reduce Europe 2020 strategy to punishments for citizens PES President calls for the centre-right to come
  • PES welcomes the release of Abdullah Demirbas
  • Robert Goebbels : Verbot von nackten Leerverkufen: Eine lngst berfllige Entscheidung (DE)
  • : (BG)
  • Verhofstadt calls for EP consensus at this time of serious Euro-crisis
  • Belarus must release political prisoners now
  • Meat Glue: The European Parliament will not yield to agri-industrial lobbies
  • (BG)
  • Judith Merkies : PvdA lust geen gelijmd vlees (NL)
  • Emine Bozkurt : Gemeenschappelijk Europees asielbeleid mogelijk (NL)
  • PES statement on German and Austrian Social Democrats announcement of a European citizens initiative on a Financial Transaction
  • 2011 Budget for the European Parliament: ALDE supports rigour
  • Hedge Fund European Parliament moves must be matched by Finance Ministers - PES condemns ideologically driven opposition of Euro
  • "Pas d'accords commerciaux sans mesurer leur impact social et conomique", dit Kader Arif
  • PES voice strong concerns about new UK coalition's 'negative EU influence' - PES President praises Gordon Brown's global economi
  • Recovering from crisis : for an alternative to severe austerity package
  • PES and Fatah go for closer party cooperation
  • Pittella lancia sul web il primo Europabarcamp (IT)
  • EU and Belarus : Conditional engagement?
  • Euro MP condemns "shameful" cuts in AID
  • Delivering a single market to consumers and citizens : "Economy has to work for the citizen". Interview with S&D MEP, Louis Grec
  • Grecia: Pittella, soddisfazione sacconi e governo preoccupante e fuori luogo (IT)
  • Partnership agreement between S&D group and Fatah
  • PES Voice Growing Concerns over Voting-Fraud Hunger Strike in Albania
  • PES Economic and Finance Chair Andreas Schieder welcomes ECOFIN decision to put Financial Transaction Tax back on Table