EU Politics

Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe

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  • Parliament Magazine annual awards
  • Parliament gives green light to new, improved data sharing agreement with USA
  • Novel Foods: ALDE favours food from farms instead of food factories
  • European Parliament strikes at bankers´ bonuses and casino banking
  • From Drugs to Chainsaws, Fake Goods Cost Lives and Jobs - Newton Dunn
  • ALDE voices its support for the Citizens Initiative
  • The European Council announced today that they will start accessionnegotiations with Iceland.
  • Verhofstadt: "EU summit remains deaf to the proposals of the European Parliament
  • Stability in Asia threatened by sinking of South Korean naval vessel
  • ALDE vote against nonsensical legislation for self employed drivers
  • A fair, green CAP comes one step closer - Lyon
  • Language rights in court mean good justice, not cheap justice
  • Nanoscience under the spotlight
  • Verhofstadt: Peer review of national budgetary planning in eurozone is insufficient
  • Slovenian referendum result on arbitration over border dispute a boost for enlargement
  • ALDE rejects derivatives market protectionism
  • Iran's actions speak louder than its words
  • Verhofstadt calls for inquiry into Gaza aid ship deaths
  • Verhofstadt calls for EP consensus at this time of serious Euro-crisis
  • Belarus must release political prisoners now
  • Meat Glue: The European Parliament will not yield to agri-industrial lobbies
  • 2011 Budget for the European Parliament: ALDE supports rigour
  • 60 years since the Schuman Declaration
  • ALDE raises issue of the role of women in EU-Turkey relations
  • EP calls for new standards for use of air passenger data
  • Ash cloud focuses minds of EU transport ministers on air space reforms
  • Andijan: Europe has a duty of memory
  • Local authorities must become real partners in decisions on funding
  • Parliament lays down red lines for new financial data agreement with US
  • Parliament lays down red lines for new financial data agreement with US
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