EU Politics

There are many national political parties throughout Europe, these political parties form alliances called European Political Parties and several of these European Political Parties along with some independent national parties form larger European Political Groups. An example of a national political party would be the Liberal Democrats (LD) of the United Kingdom, which is a member of the European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party (ELDR), which along with the European Democratic Party (EDP) form the Alliance for Liberals and Democrats for Europe. In this section of you will find all the official news and press releases from various European Political Parties and European Political Groups.

EU Politics

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  • ALDE Seminar "Give Europe the means to grow - budget review: reform or reshape?"
  • ALDE Public Hearing "Censorship & cyber-dissidents. Freedom on the internet in authoritarian states"
  • ALDE Newsletter December
  • CO2 car emissions legislation leaves many questions open
  • Andrew Duff publishes guide to the Lisbon Treaty
  • EUROLAT assembly meets for first time in Brussels
  • EP takes firm stance against rising extremism in Europe
  • Asset Management II: New opportunities for investors
  • Balkan stories
  • European Socialists warmly welcome European Council’s pledge on Roma inclusion.
  • MEPs question the Commission and Council.
  • European Commission plans for new year "lack ambition", say Socialists.
  • Jörg Leichtfried: Mehr Gerechtigkeit im europäischen Güterverkehr naht. Kommission sagt Einberechnung der externen Kosten bei
  • Euro MPs tighten protection against new cancer risks at work.
  • Unequivocal condemnation of the bloody attacks in Algiers.
  • Matthias Groote: Klimakonferenz Biokraftstoffe. "Europa muss bei der Zertifizierung von Biokraftstoffen aktiv werden" (DE)
  • Ulrich Stockmann: Europäische Luftsicherheitsagentur. "Stärkung der Europäischen Agentur für Flugsicherheit ist ein wichtige
  • Europäisches Parlament verabschiedet Resolution zu Soforthilfen für Irak/ Parliament adopts Resolution on aid measures for Ira
  • Local elections in Bulgaria: the EPP-ED Group in the European Parliament congratulates the GERB. Joseph Daul, Chairman of the EP
  • EP/Israel Interparliamentary Meeting: Statement by the Members of the EP delegation. Jana HybaÅ¡ková MEP
  • Situation der Frauen im ländlichen Raum muss verbessert werden/ Situation of woman in rural areas must be improved. Christa Kla
  • Sakharov Prize awarded to Salih Mahmoud Osman. Joseph Daul, EPP-ED Group Chairman, congratulates winner
  • EPP Press Release: EPP congratulates GERB for the victory in the first round of Bulgarian local elections
  • Marcello Vernola MdPE in Serbia per la conferenza sull´integrazione europea/ Marcello Vernola MEP in Serbia for the European Co
  • ELDR Bulletin: UK General Election - Three horse race to form government
  • Liberal Northern Irelands New Justice Minister; ELDR in Turkey and Morocco;Lib Dem candidates hit the campaign trail...
  • Norwegian Liberals Elect New Leadership
  • ELDR Congratulates Northern Ireland's New Justice Minister
  • Election of Eroglou to the leadership of the Turkish Cypriot Community
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